Content Area Instructional Support
Content Area Instructional Support
Content Area Instructional Support
Content Area Instructional Support
Our team is available to support your content area and instructional needs! As a starting point, check out these links for resources developed and curated through national,state and regional organizations and Communities of Practice. Need something else? Contact us for additional resources or customized support tailored to meet your specific needs.
key resources
key resources
key resources
- Achieve the Core (ELA & Math)
- CISC ELA/ELD Resources
- English Learner Resources
- YouCubed (Math)
- NSTA (Science)
- Content, Literacy, Inquiry, Citizenship (CLIC) project
- CA History Social Science Project
- Shape America (Health & Physical Education)
For more information, resources or support, please contact:
Michelle Sanchez (General) 530-519-3864
Jennifer Spangler (VAPA) 530-532-5801
Holly Harding (EL) 530-828-5299