Turtle Bay Museum

Famous Artists Portfolio Program at Turtle Bay
Turtle Bay Exploration Park’s Famous Artists Portfolio Program is a free K-8 arts resource and outreach program for community schools and learning centers. The Famous Artists Program provides portfolios that consist of large prints and reproductions of art works by famous artists. The portfolios are organized by theme and also come with artist biographies, lesson plans, and art activity plans. Participation in this program provides an opportunity for students to submit their art to Turtle Bay’s annual Children’s Art Show. Anyone can use the program; no artistic experience is necessary. The program is free. Teachers, parents, and classroom volunteers can join after a short onsite orientation and program training.
Turtle Bay Exploration Park’s Famous Artists Portfolio Program is a free K-8 arts resource and outreach program for community schools and learning centers. The Famous Artists Program provides portfolios that consist of large prints and reproductions of art works by famous artists. The portfolios are organized by theme and also come with artist biographies, lesson plans, and art activity plans. Participation in this program provides an opportunity for students to submit their art to Turtle Bay’s annual Children’s Art Show. Anyone can use the program; no artistic experience is necessary. The program is free. Teachers, parents, and classroom volunteers can join after a short onsite orientation and program training.
844 Sundial Bridge Drive, Redding, CA
Adam Walker- Art and History Educator
Visual Arts